18-02-25 | 07:00 PM | Stein Auditorium
Nocturnes (Docu/ Hindi, English, Bugun/ India, USA/ 2024/ 83 mins) Dirs. Anirban Dutta & Anupama Srinivasan. In the dense forests of the Eastern Himalayas, moths are whispering something to us. In the dark of night, two curious observers shine a light on this mesmerizing universe. Together, a female scientist and a young man from the indigenous Bugun community are on an expedition to decode these nocturnal creatures in a remote ecological “hot spot” in Arunachal Pradesh. The result is a deeply immersive film that draws us in, urging us to look more closely at our connections with the natural world. Collab. Kriti Film Club. Screening followed by Q&A with the filmmakers.