The Peasants tells the story of Jagna, a young woman determined to forge her own path within the confines of a late 19th century Polish village – a hotbed of gossip and on-going feuds, held together, rich and poor, by pride in their land, adherence to colourful traditions and deep-rooted patriarchy. When Jagna finds herself caught between the conflicting desires of the village’s richest farmer, his eldest son, and other leading men of the community, her resistance puts her on a tragic collision course with the community around her.
The story of the film is based on the Nobel Prize-winning novel of the same title by Władysław Stanisław Reymont, showing life in the countryside at the turn of the 19th and 20th century.
Kamila Urzędowska, Robert Gulaczyk, Mirosław Baka, Sonia Mietielica, Ewa Kasprzyk, Cezary Łukaszewicz, Małgorzata Kożuchowska, Sonia Bohosiewicz, Dorota Stalińska, Andrzej Konopka, Mateusz Rusin, and Maciej Musiał
Sean Bobbitt and Hugh Welchman. Produced by: Breakthru Productions
DK Welchman, Hugh Welchman
Director of Animation: Piotr Dominiak
Radosław Ładczuk, Kamil Polak, Szymon Kuriata
DK Welchman, Patrycja Piróg, Miki Węcel
Michał Jankowski, Mariusz Bielecki; Sound design: Michał Jankowski
Łukasz “L.U.C” Rostkowski