Leo (Carlos Manuel Gonzalez) is a blue collar worker with a musical past living in the remote city of Acarigua, nestled in the Venezuelan inland empire. Haunted by financial debt and problems at home, he does anything to stay afloat.
One day, his younger brother Alex (Anyelo Lopez) who has been deaf since birth, offers him a solution: to participate in a musical contest in the capital, Caracas, performing a song that he has written himself because the first prize may solve all his economic problems. Forced by circumstance, Leo must take a leap of faith, unearth his dormant musical talent and do the impossible to change his and his brother's future by joining their voices in an unforgettable journey.
Carlos Manuel Gonzalez, Anyelo Lopez, Greisy Mena, Jeizer Ruiz, David Olaves, Richard Clark, Camila Curtis, Pedro Alonso
Álvar Carretero de la Fuente, Maritza Carbajal, Wil Romero, Miguel Angel Ferrer, Maria, Alejandra Guerrero Rocca, Hector Manrique Diguida, Edgar Padron, Jen Huang, Eric Gaunaurd
Miguel Angel Ferrer y Guillermo de la Rosa
Jose Duque
Miguel Angel Ferrer
Enrique Díaz
Sandro Morales